“He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” John 3:30
We all have dreams when we are young of being someone famous who has lots of money. When I was growing up, I wanted to be a sports star. I loved playing all sports, but I really loved basketball. I dreamed of being a pro in basketball. I practiced hard every day in hopes of achieving that dream.
This dream of becoming a professional basketball player was not to be. Instead, God had bigger plans for my life. He had been preparing me all my life for so much more.
God had birthed me into an incredible home with loving, Godly parents. He had used my parents to live out His Word in front of me. This extraordinary God that I love had birthed me into what the world would call an ordinary home.
As my adult life began to unfold, I began what I believed was an ordinary life of family and work. All the while, our extraordinary God was preparing me to be involved in His work for my life. I still look back and wonder why an extraordinary God would choose me to serve Him in ministry.
I struggled for years trying to find God’s will for my life and wanting to be used of God. In 1991, God spoke to my heart in a way that I could only describe as life changing. It was then that He gave me life verse of John 3:30.
It was then that I knew that He must become the focus of my life. I knew then that God wanted to live in me and through me and that my priorities, my dreams, and my desires would no longer be important in terms of me. I knew that from that day forward that all those things were to be about Him.
In the years since, God has put me in positions of leadership serving Him in ministry. I have been blessed over the years to see God use ordinary me to lead extraordinary ministries. More than anything, God has shown me that the key to becoming a good leader is understanding that I must become less, and He must become more.
I still struggle with getting too big for my britches, but I love that God continually reminds me that I must become less. I pray that the truth of john 3;30 becomes a life reality for all of us as believers.
Have a great day!
Rick Calloway