Annual Cornerstone Fund
Kick-Off Event
Kick-Off Event for The Cornerstone Fund
October 28th - November 15th, 2024
Each year, MCA begins the annual fundraising efforts of The Cornerstone Fund with its three-week campaign, known as the Kick-Off Event. The Kick-Off Event is an intentional effort to raise as much of our total yearly goal of $500,000 Goal for the Cornerstone Fund as possible. The monies raised during the Kick-Off Event are invested right away in programs and enhancements that directly impact our students. (To learn more about the Cornerstone Fund and how the monies raised will be invested, please click the Cornerstone Fund tab above.)
As MCA enters the 2024-25 school year, we celebrate our 32nd year of excellence in Kingdom education! For this school year we have chosen 'Choose to Be Extraordinary' as our theme. Our focus this year will be on choosing to be extraordinary in the way we love others like Jesus, live out the truth of God’s Word, pursue excellence, and bring glory to God alone in all we do.
We’ve chosen 1 Peter 2:9 to serve as our theme verse for this school year, which says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
Please join with us in asking God to do great things on our campus this school year. It is our prayer that Metrolina will come together as a school community to live courageously for the Lord and for our school to be a beacon of hope to all we encounter. Our world desperately needs to see people who are not discouraged or afraid, may we use that testimony to point others to Christ. Our heart is for God to never be satisfied with where we are as a school but to continue to seek all that God has for us in the future.
You can make this possible with your faithful gift to the 2024-25 Cornerstone Fund. By investing above and beyond, you are ensuring MCA can continue to teach and train with excellence and equip our young people for Kingdom living, who will impact their homes, churches, communities, and beyond as Warriors for Christ.
Throughout 2024-25, we’ll celebrate all that God has accomplished through MCA, and we’re also excited to celebrate the entire MCA community – our students, parents, staff, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents and grandparents, and so many friends – all of whom represent the greatest blessing God has given to MCA. Choose to be extraordinary through Christ!
The Warrior Challenge
Student Warrior
$300+ (or $30 recurring monthly gift for 10 months+)
Every student in the family receives 2024-2025 Cornerstone Fund t-shirt
Family Warrior
$750+ (or $75 recurring monthly gift for 10 months+)
Every member of the family (2 parents + students) receives 2024-2025 Cornerstone Fund t-shirt.
Ultimate Warrior
$3,000+ (or $300 recurring monthly gift for 10 months+)
Receive 2 "Choose to be Extraordinary" YETI Tumblers PLUS every member of the family (2 parents + students) receives 2024-2025 Cornerstone Fund t-shirt.
Cornerstone Fund
The Cornerstone Fund is MCA’s annual giving program and its most critical fundraising effort because it supports all students and programs (Early Education through 12th grade) by providing for enhancements and resources that are not otherwise covered by tuition. The Cornerstone Fund also serves to support the school's mission in training and equipping our young people to be champions for Christ, as well as provide a strong foundation for the continued growth of MCA's ministry. Each year, every MCA family is asked to make a financial gift to The Cornerstone Fund that is above and beyond the cost of tuition.
The funds raised through the Cornerstone Fund not only provide 'extras' to many of the school's programs sooner than would otherwise be available, but also allows MCA to keep tuition at a more affordable level for families. Your tax-deductible gift is vital in maintaining and improving educational excellence at MCA. Gifts of any size are a blessing and greatly needed as each one makes a difference in educating our students for the cause of Christ.
Through the annual Cornerstone Fund, the generous support of our school families, grandparents, alumni and friends has allowed us to fund many wonderful enhancements and resources beyond the general budget. Here's a sampling of major enhancements made possible by the Cornerstone Fund over the last few years:
- new buses for field trips and athletic events
- improved security measures - card-access only doors and security cameras
- STEAM initiatives
- mobile iPad labs
- Lower School and Early Education playground equipment
- tuition assistance
- professional development for staff
- outdoor learning environment
- athletic scoreboards
- band instruments
- state of the art digital keyboard for performing arts
- campus improvements - such as covered walkways, new flooring for classrooms and hallways, and new gym floor
- funding for building projects - new high school & middle school educational buildings/classrooms, track & field, outdoor athletic complex, Math & Science, Technology & Visual Arts, and the new Performing Arts & Student Center
Our goal for the 2024-25 Cornerstone Fund is $500,000. Your gifts to the 2024-25 Cornerstone Fund will be invested in the following areas:
- Facility Development - 30%
Expanding and improving our facilities and programs so we can continue to offer exceptional academics, technology, arts and athletics, along with better student life and improved safety.
- Academics - 30%
Upgrading technology, STEAM initiatives, enhancing curriculum, professional development for faculty, and more course offerings.
- Technology - 10%
Technology improves and changes every day, and the Cornerstone Fund ensures our students and teachers have needed upgrades and resources in their classrooms.
- Financial Aid - 10%
Helping families who need short term financial assistance to be a part of the MCA family.
- Athletics - 10%
Expanding and improving facilities and programs to continue to offer exceptional programs and experiences for our athletes.
- Fine Arts - 10%
Helping expand and grow our fine arts program and resources to provide new opportunities for all students to be involved in any fine arts programs.
To learn more about why the Cornerstone Fund is our most critical yearly fundraising effort, watch this video.
The opening phrase of John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, He gave…” This verse reminds us that we are never more like God than when we give out of love – our time, talents, and treasures. Your gift to the Annual Cornerstone Fund allows MCA to stay strong and grow in its mission to prepare our students to be difference makers for the cause of Christ.
Thank you for loving MCA and advancing our mission! Together, we are METROLINA!
So that the generation to come might know Him. – Psalm 78:6
Ways to Give
Give Online Now
Make your gift online now by simply clicking on the secure link:
Cash gifts are the simplest and easiest gifts to make. Outright cash, personal checks, cashier's checks, credit-card transactions, money orders and wire transfers qualify as cash gifts. All cash gifts are to be made payable to:
Metrolina Christian Academy
Attn: Advancement Office
P.O. Box 1460
Indian Trail, NC 28079
If you would like, you can mail or bring your outright gifts in person to MCA's Advancement Office located in the Upper School Office building. Please attach this printable donation form with your gift.
You will receive a tax receipt via email if your email address is on file or included in the correspondence. Otherwise, a tax receipt will be mailed to the address on the check.
Recurring Monthly Gifts
A great way to maximize the impact of your gift. Give a more manageable monthly recurring gift over a period of time. (Ex. $100 a month for 12 months = $1,200). Click here to make your recurring monthly gift.
Pledge Now - Give Later
Determine your gift amount and give by June 30th. The Advancement Office provides monthly email reminders.
Pledge By Mail - Please complete Donation Form and mail to: Metrolina Christian Academy / P.O. Box 1460 / Indian Trail, NC 28079 / Attn: Advancement Office
Matching Gifts
More than 1,000 parent companies and corporate foundations currently match employees’ gifts to non-profit organizations, like Metrolina Christian Academy. If you or your spouse work for a company with a matching gift program, you can double your contribution to MCA! Click here to see if your employer will match your donation!
Gifts in Kind
The possibilities for giving "in-kind" are limitless. MCA uses many goods and services, especially those related to the building campaign. A tax benefit may be realized by the donor. The value of the donation is determined by the donor and according to IRS regulations.
Questions about donating a Gift-In-Kind, contact Becca Pressley, in the Advancement Office, at 704-882-3375 x7911.
Honorariums/Memorial Gifts
You may like to consider making your donation in honor or in memory of a loved one. The donor receives a gift acknowledgement, and a notification of the gift (amount not included) is sent to the individual/family the donor designates.
Questions about an Honorarium or Memorial Gift, contact Becca Pressley, in the Advancement Office, at 704-882-3375 x7911.
Designated Gifts
Your donation to MCA can be used for a specific purpose at the school (i.e. band program, drama department, building campaign, girls' varsity basketball team, art department, etc.)
Questions about making a Designated Gift, contact Becca Pressley, in the Advancement Office, at 704-882-3375 x7911.
Media Gallery
Metrolina Christian Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. You should consult legal/financial advisors, however, to determine the tax implications & deductibility of any gift.
Make a Donation
Quick Links
Becca Pressley
Assistant Advancement Director
704.882.3375 x7911
Katie Calloway
Advancement Business Services